
Russia Checkmates Unfriendly countries with legalizing piracy of their Intellectual Property

Mar 18, 2022


As the war peaked between Russia and Ukraine, the Russian government had set new trademark rules in Russia. Now Russian businesses may copy any trademark, patent, copyright, etc from unfriendly countries to make money without any consequences.

Due to the war between Russia and Ukraine western businesses walked out of Russia. To maintain the business and to fill the void Russia had passed a decree which allows piracy of software and designs of computer chips and other intellectual property from countries such as the US, Australia, Great Britain, Iceland, Canada, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Japan, Ukraine, Switzerland, and EU member states.

These countries cannot claim compensation for piracy of their intellectual property.

Since the supply of western goods and services is restricted to Russia, there are possibilities of lifting restrictions on important trademarks, such as KFC where Russia can have their own KFC with the same logo and franchise.

This might affect the western investment in Russia drastically, more than the war itself




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RussiaTrademark consultantLogo registrationTrademark newsLawsuitTrademark litigation

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