Copyright gives the original work owner the privilege to preserve his work for unauthorized or use by another person. Initially, copyrights protect to protect creative work. Copyright for cinematographs safeguard authors' and artists' efforts that create an environment conducive to creativity, and copyright protection encourages the writer or artist to do more creative work in cinematography.
Definition of the copyright for cinematographic films:
Copyright for cinematographs protects visual recording from any graphic work or any process created by any means from which the moving image is created. As explained, it can be made either way and includes sound recording along with the visual recording. 'Cinematography' will be depicted as involving any process created by a process, similar to a cinematograph, including video films. In short, a cinematograph film is considered to be one when the work of any realistic system consists of moving pictures or scenes.
Copyright protection of a cinematograph film requires strong public awareness and amalgamation of education. Correct copyright law implementation and high perception of copyright framework protection will help maintain the work's confidentiality.
Required documents required for copyright for cinematographic film registration:
- First of all, full details of the applicant are required to apply for the cinematograph application.
- SOP and Form XIV signed by the applicant who can be the author or owner of the original work
One copy of published work and two copies of unpublished work
- If an advocate files copyright, a power of attorney is required
- If any other person other than the owner is applying, the owner's NOC form is required at the time of filing the application
- In the case of cinematograph film registration, a further statement, in particular, is not necessary
- The fee for copyright registration for cinematography is Rs 5000 per work. Therefore, the applicant should deposit the relevant fee at the time of registration.
The entire copyright process for a cinematograph film
Cinematograph is a phased process to take copyright for a film.
Check all the formalities:
Once the applicant submits the copyright application, the copyright officer conducts a formal check to ensure that all documents are correct. However, failure to check formality; therefore, a letter is sent to the applicant to submit the complete failure document.
Advertisement for objecting:
After the formalities check phase, advertise for a month to raise any objections to the work concerned or provide an opportunity to anyone who disagrees with the work's originality. If any complaints are raised, both parties will be invited to reply in writing before the registrar. If the objection is valid, the application will not proceed to copyright protection and will be rejected.
Proper examination:
If any objection or disagreement persists with the application, it will be rejected and proceed to further steps. In the following steps, the application will be screened to see any discrepancies. If any defect is found in the application, the applicant will be given more chance to correct their work based on the necessary condition and proceed for registration. If no discrepancy is found in the application, it will reach the registrar, and she will issue a copyright registration certificate for the cinematographic work.
Once the registration process is complete, the registration certificate is sent to the applicant.
Copyright Protection Term:
According to Section 26, the period of protection for a cinematographic work is 60 years, and the period of protection begins when the work is first published.
A privilege granted to the owner after copyright protection:
After the privilege any author enjoys under the Copyright Act.
- Only the owner and writer have the right to reproduce the work under any circumstances. However, if the work is not published, only the author has the rights to publish it
- Writer is the only person who can permit to use his work in films
- The owner is the person who has the right to amend the existing work further
Advantage of the copyright for cinematography film:
Once the work is registered under copyright law, it gives peace of mind and instills a sense of security in the writer's brain, and his transcript is protected under the Copyright Act.
Following are the benefits that any writer gets after copyright protection
- Performing tasks in the public domain Allow him to use his work
- Once the work is protected, it is used to generate revenue by allowing others to use the work
- The copyrighted work can attract the attention of the crowd.
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