Company Incorporation
Unlike most people think that the company registration process is very tiresome and time consuming, company registration in Chennai has become simple yet reliable with Muthirai. Muthirai is all the more one of the best trademark registration companies in Chennai. We have experts and professionals who will make the company registration process easier. We only expect you to bring all the genuine documents for the registration. The rest is in our hands. Since there are exclusively dedicated professionals working for the company registration wing of Miuthirai, makes the registration process and the proceedings faster. We do jopt want to waste your precious time.
Types of Companies
All types of companies which adhere to the companies act, 1956 of Indian Government will be registered by us. Small scale companies, private companies, public companies and large scale companies can be registered under this act. The registration process would include the logo, name, emblem, brand name, trademark registration. All the registration processes will be regulated and facilitated by the team of professionals.
All this are done for a minimal cost. More than a business we do it as a service. Company registration will keep your business safe. The Indian government has taken all the steps to protect the companies. Hence as a good citizen it is your duty to register your companies under the companies registration act and be safe. This os also expected of you. If you safe guard your business in advance, you will prevent many a problem in the future.
TM Filings
Happy Clients
Years of Expertise
Why should you register with Muthirai?

You can not avail the ISO 9001:2015 standard if you don't have a registered organization, and will not be considered eligible for international trade. In such a scenario, Muthirai comes to your aid. Our Chennai based organization has years of experience and an impeccable success rate. Hence, we can help you to get ISO standards and will perform all the necessary work to make your company credible.