
The Overall View of Trademark Online Filing Procedures

Aug 28, 2024

We all know that trademark registration is important to protect our brand name from being used by others in business.

By registering our company's trademark, we are protecting our brand identity, the efforts we put in to develop the brand, and many other niche things. But sometimes we will neglect to apply for registering the trademark as we do not know the registering procedures.

Read this article and get to know the 360 view of registering the trademark effortlessly.

Below are the Complete Details About the Online Trademark Registration:

1. Through the trademark registration portal, it is possible to register any of the trademarks, including the company's name, logo designs, images, content, sound marks, videos, or graphics. We can apply for a trademark for any one of these things or even its combinations.

2. The head office for trademark registration is located in Mumbai. However, its branches are available in places including Ahmedabad, Chennai, Delhi, and Kolkata. The applicants can either directly visit the locations for registration or utilize the official online portal. 

3. Here are a few steps involved in registering in the online portal. You need to login to the official account and fill in the necessary details that are asked for in the form TM-A. There are certain regulations that must be followed while logo registration or images. The image must be in JPEG format. Adding to this, the size of the image must not exceed 2 MB.

4. Finally, it is necessary to pay the online trademark registration fee online through any of the payment modes. You will be receiving the application number as a sign of acknowledgement after the online registration process gets completed.

In case you find any difficulties in registering the trademark online or directly, you can contact the trademark registration consultants. They can help you with the process effortlessly.

The trademark, once registered, will be valuable for up to 10 years. Later, you must apply for trademark renewal. The application, after the submission, will be evaluated by the officer.

Thus, the brand registration online can be done easily by following these steps.

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Trademark registrationTrademark consultantLogo registrationTrademark registration consultantsTrademark registration in chennaiTrademark cost in indiaTrademark registration processTrademark registration in chennaiTrademark registration consultantTrademark registrtion in chennai

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