Trademark registration fees
Compared to other countries, Trademark cost in India is fairly good. Muthirai provides affordable trademark charges in Chennai. Below given are the complete details for trademark cost in India.
Trademark Registration Process
Trademark Search – We need to search and ensure that your brand name is not previously used by other applicants in trademark public search
TM Portal:
Suggestions will be given from our end about the important classes and name availability / NO FEE
We will accept to apply for a trademark, only when the trademark is available.
Checklist has to be filled and a soft copy of the Logo shall be sent by email, the document will be prepared from our end (No ID/Address proofs are required)
Government fee (Trademark registration fees) Rs. 4,500/- & Professional fee Rs.1500/- [For Non-MSME - PVT.LTD, Trust, and NGO Govt. Fee 9,000/-]
Trademark Filing – TM number will be provided in 2 business days.
Trademark Examination – 2 to 3 months post-filing our application will be subjected to examination.
Scenario i – Name directly allowed – NO FEE
Scenario ii – Name Objected– NO FEE (for applications filed from our end)
If Objected, a reply to the examination report will be submitted from our end, and further, follow-up will be done.
Scenario i – Allowed in the previous stage / Allowed after checking the reply – NO FEE
Scenario ii – General Hearing posted after checking the reply – Fee Rs.5000/-
General Hearing Covered
Journal Publication – Our application will be published in the trademark journal.
Scenario i – Completing the examination. NO FEE
Scenario ii – Third-party opposition fee: Rs.12,500/-
Opposition fees covered
- Counter statement
- Reviewing their evidence
- Sending our evidence
- Then registry will call for a direct hearing
Opposition hearing fees Rs.10,000/-
Registration – Once the journal period of 4 months is completed our application will move to the registration stage.
- Digital Certificate – NO FEE
- Hard Copy of Trademark / Legal Certificate – Fee Rs. 5000/-
Required document
Documents required for an individual or a sole proprietor Firm
- Identity Proof (any one of)
- PAN Card
- Aadhar Card
- Voter ID
- Address Proof
- Trademark Name or Logo soft copy
- MSME/Startup Certificate if any
Documents required for a Private Limited or Registered firm
- Incorporation Certificate
- Identity proof of Directors
- Trademark Name or Logo soft copy
- MSME/Startup Certificate (if any)
Trademark Charges
Trademark search | Free |
Trademark Registration Fee | ₹ 7500 |
Trademark objection reply Fee | ₹ 3500 |
Trademark Objection hearing | ₹ 3500 |
Trademark opposition | ₹ 12500 |
Trademark Opposition Hearing | ₹ 10000 |
Trademark legal certificate | ₹ 5000 |
Trademark Renewal Fee | ₹ 3000 |
Unsure of how to kickstart the trademark process?
You’ve come to the right place. Welcome to Your ultimate destination for all your trademark needs.
From trademark filing to logo registration, we handle every aspect of your brand registration process. And in some cases, conflicts may arise while registering . But worry not, our dedicated trademark attorney will handletrademark objections and trademark hearings on behalf of your company.
Why wait any longer ? Choose us as your trademark consultant today and experience a stress-free trademark registration process.